02. Project Details

How Do I Complete This Project?

  1. If you need a refresher on Object-Oriented JavaScript, review our course and OOJS Notes.
  2. If you'd like a more detailed explanation as to how the game engine works, see our HTML5 Canvas course.
  3. Read the detailed instructions for the project.
  4. Download the art assets and provided game engine.
  5. Review the code and comments provided in app.js
  6. Identify the various classes you will need to write.
  7. Identify and code the properties each class must have to accomplish its tasks.
  8. Write the functions that provide functionality to each of your class instances.
  9. Review the project rubric to make sure your project is up to spec. For example make sure the functions you write are object-oriented - either class functions (like Player and Enemy) from ES6 or class prototype functions such as Enemy.prototype.checkCollisions, and that the keyword 'this' is used appropriately within your class and class prototype functions. Also be sure that the readme.md file is updated with your instructions on both how to 1. Run and 2. Play your arcade game.
  10. Feel free to use ES6 to build your classes.